Dream Big: A Guest Post by Lucille Williams
I’m often asked, “How do you do it? How do you write a whole book? I want to write a book, but I don’t think I can. I don’t even know where to start.” My reply is always the same, “I write my books one sentence at a time and one paragraph at a time.”
Have you ever thought about writing a book? Maybe you want to put pen to paper and leave a legacy for your children, for your grandchildren. Don’t let that annoying, negative voice in your head tell you that you can’t do it. I understand that voice— it begins every time I sit down to write. But I have to push off that little pest and move forward one word at a time.
Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.
Louis L’Amour
As a small child I had trouble paying attention and even more trouble reading. The idea of ever becoming an author was a dream so far reaching, it was in another galaxy. For a long time, I wouldn’t even consider the possibility. Not until my then, seventeen-year-old daughter said, “Mom, I think you should write a book.” I had devoted much of my life at the time to raising my three children, and my wiser-than-her-years daughter nudged me to dream—and dream big.
So, where did I start?
I forced myself to sit and write. Even if I didn’t think I had anything to put on the blank page, I’d sit anyway. Even on days where all I could do was stare at the screen, I’d sit. Even on days where all I could muster was a poorly written paragraph, I’d write. But then, there were those days where I’d fill page after page, and the thirst to continue increased with each word. Yes, those were the days of magic, where I’d sit and sit and sit and allow the thoughts to flow out on no longer blank pages. Those days are wonderful. Those days are magical.
We all have something to say. You, my friend, have something to say—something to write.
I still encourage anyone who feels at all compelled to write to do so. I just try to warn people who hope to get published that publication is not all it is cracked up to be. But writing is.
Anne Lamott
When I began writing, I had a big dream of someday getting published, but it took many drafts and even more rejection before God opened a door for me. With each draft, I’d go back and edit over and over. With each rejection, I’d force myself to stay the course and keep writing.
If you love to write…write. What happens with your work is up to God.
A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.
Richard Bach
Somewhere along my writing journey I discovered I had ADHD. Finally, it made sense why reading and school and paying attention had been so difficult for me as a child. Something about knowing helped me realize how my struggle and adversity had propelled me to keep going, to persevere, to dig deeper. Somewhere along the way I learned to lean into my strengths of creativity and fantasy, and not diminish myself for the things that came harder. I learned to stop marginalizing myself for the struggles I had that seemed effortless for others.
I encourage you to silence the voice that says, “You can’t do it.” “You’re not good enough.” “You’ll never get there.” And force yourself to sit. Allow yourself to dream. And once you start dreaming, dream bigger.
You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children.
Madeleine L’Engle

Turtle Finds His Talent is all about teaching children to focus on their own abilities, specialness, and God-given talents. This is a good lesson for us adults as well. Personally, I learned to adjust and function with ADHD, and have even learned to thrive in it.

Lucille Williams is an author, speaker, pastor’s wife, and has ministered to couples and families for over 25 years. As the Women’s Director at Palmcroft Church in Phoenix, Arizona, she dedicates her time to ministry and writing and providing resources on her blog at LuSays.com. She’s the author of multiple books. Her latest release,Turtle Finds His Talent: A Slide-and-Find Book: Discovering How God Made You Special, encourages children to embrace their unique gifts and talents, teaching them that God made each of us to be different and our differences are what make us special.

A.M. Revere
This! Such a good post. This quote especially, “I forced myself to sit and write. Even if I didn’t think I had anything to put on the blank page, I’d sit anyway.” It is so important to be intentional in writing.
Hannah Linder
Thanks so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed this post. 💚