Regency-Era Hobbies
As appalling as this may sound, as unbelievably insane…
Wait a minute. Perhaps you should sit down for this, brace yourself.
All right. Deep breaths. Where was I?
Oh yes. As appalling as this may sound, Regency-era poor souls did not have phones, television, computers, video games, or anything else we 2020-creatures spend most of our time doing.
So what did they do? What occupied their time? What sort of pleasures kept them entertained?
Below are a few of the hobbies a Regency-era gentleman or lady might have enjoyed:
- Painting and drawing
- Writing letters
- Playing instruments
- piano-forte
- guitar
- lyre
- harp
- Taking walks
- Cards and games
- Blind Man’s Bluff
- Lawn Bowls
- The Game of Graces
- Cup and Ball
- Spillikins
- Whist
- And more!
- Carriage rides
- Archery
- Reading
- And of course, dancing
Would you trade your phone for a country ride in a phaeton? Would you replace your television with a harp, or your video game for the Game of Graces?